Please ensure that everyone in your club registers using the exact club name shown. 

Those that are already registered can indicate their club affiliation by:
    1. Go to 
    2. Select their name in the Racers with this account grid.
    3. Clicking the edit button (pencil).
    4. Entering your club name (exact spelling please) in the Club/Special field.
    5. Clicking the Submit button to save.

Here is the information on how the club scoring system works:

Clubs are scored on the # of participants / distance as follows
All participants get distance points (relays count as 1 participant)
    < 20 miles - 10 points per person (Miami-Dade County)
    21-50 miles - 12 points per person (Broward County)
    51-100 miles - 14 points per person (Palm Beach County)
    101-200 miles - 20 points per person
    201-300 - 25 points per person
    300+ miles - 35 points per person
    *This is based on the club's distance, not individual participants

The clubs are then ranked according to their total participant/distance points and get the following RANKING POINTS towards their overall score:
    1st - 100
    2nd - 80
    3rd - 65
    4th - 52
    5th - 40
    6th - 30
    7th - 22
    8th - 15
    9th - 10
    10th - 8
    11th - 5
    12th - 3
    All others - 1

The top 10 performers in each club score performance points.
performance points = average time / your time * 100
This is based on the overall average time of everyone in the race, not each category, so as not to disadvantage college teams who all race in the same category.

The clubs are then ranked according to their total performance points and get the following RANKING POINTS towards their overall score:
    1st - 100
    2nd - 80
    3rd - 65
    4th - 52
    5th - 40
    6th - 30
    7th - 22
    8th - 15
    9th - 10
    10th - 8
    11th - 5
    12th - 3
    All others - 1

The total of the 2 scores determines the clubs' final rankings.  If there is a tie, then the club with the higher margin of victory in their top scoring area wins.


We need the following volunteers:

    10 - Saturday Setup 7-10am
    10 - Race Morning Packet Pickup 5-7am
    15 - Waterstations (3 available, need a minimum of 5 per waterstation, 10 for the double station) Please let us know if you have at least 5 volunteers to work together.
    10 - Finish Line 7-10am
    10 - Breakdown 10 am - 12 noon
Email [email protected] to sign up your volunteers